Monday, August 29, 2022

What I used to do here...

Back in the day, I mean waaaaay back in the day (let's say 2003 +/- 2) I used to use this space to record thoughts and to give myself a record of what was what and when. I deleted those thoughts, but here are some points I remember: 1. I discussed being sick with what was possibly SARS, which then lead to a case of shingles not caught by my university's medical center but by the walk-in clinic for old people. During my recovery, I learned Python2. It was both fun and not fun at the same time. 2. I was living with a rather impressive person at the time. Our issue was that we did not belong together, but both knew it. It turns out that today, I am fine with it. I don't think twice, because it is alright. 3. I was in favor of the W. Iraq war for the simple fact that I remembered the mistreatment of the Kurds. I was a paperboy back in the day. I do believe the methods (including using Powell, the trial of Libby, and not having a plan for a counter-insugency we lousy). I now also think that fighting two hopeless wars (Afganistan) was foolhardy. What can I say, except, "I am a fan of Christopher Hitchens." 4. Why did I kill this blog when I was living in England a decade later? It felt right. It felt good. I'm glad I did it.

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